How to Implement Flipped Instruction into Your Classroom


The traditional model of instructors lecturing in the classroom and learners completing assignments and homework on their own is changing. Instead, learners are learning on their own and utilizing the classroom as a place to dive deeper into what they’ve learned. This strategy, known as the flipped classroom, is gaining ground thanks to the rise of edtech. Flipped classrooms involve asking learners to complete the reading and preparation work at home. Then, during class time, the learners do practice questions that they would typically do for homework.


  • Flipped instruction allows the instructor to off-load the direct instruction elements of teaching, such as learning activity introductions, to homework. This will enable instructors to spend more time on learner-centered differentiated support.
  • Instructors spend more time assisting learners with the things they don’t understand. This means personalized instruction and more time to help struggling learners and less time delivering lectures in class.


  • Learners may not finish or understand their assigned pre-class homework, which will undermine the lesson.


  1. Assign learners a video introducing a skill or idea for homework.
  2. Use the initial 15 minutes of the learning activity to assess the learners’ comprehension of the video.
  3. Clarify anything learners didn’t understand.
  4. Jump straight into learner-centered practice tasks and assignments.
  5. Walk around the class, assisting learners who need additional support for the rest of the lesson.
  6. Complete a learning activity that checks for student understanding at the end of the lesson.
  7. Implement your plan for remediating learners who do not master the skill or concept.
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