How to Implement the Think, Pair, Share Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom


In a learning activity based on the think, pair, share method, learners write and discuss their ideas with a partner before sharing them with the group. This format allows learners to respond to questions in written form thoughtfully and to engage in meaningful dialogue with other learners about these issues. It is a helpful way to give learners time to compose their ideas before sharing with them with the class. The think, pair, share method helps learners build confidence, encourages greater participation, and often results in more thoughtful discussions.


  1. Think: Have learners reflect on a given question or write a response in their journals.
  2. Pair: Have learners pair up and share their responses.
  3. Share: When the group reconvenes, ask pairs to report back on their conversations. Alternatively, you could ask learners to share what their partner said. In this way, the method focuses on learners’ skills as careful active listeners.

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