How to Keep Your Classroom and School Safe

Check out our list of tips for keeping your classroom and school safe.

Observe your learners and their interactions with others. Listen to what the learners are saying to each other. The info will help you construct the safe and welcoming atmosphere you want in your school and class.

Each school has sexual and harass- ment policies in the official school handbook. Invite the school counselor and administrator to your class to tell the learners about the policy and procedures for harassment issues. Send the info home to parents to read and have them sign the sheet stating they read the policies. This is common in several schools to legally meet the obligation of a learner’s right to know.

Find out about peer mediation. Stu- dents speak highly of their peer’s involvement in conflict if it is done well. Students must be trained in mediation skills prior to being named peer mediators.

Remain aware of the human rights organizations in your community and have them speak to your learners. The bias happens beyond the school day, and the learners need to be aware of outside assistance.

The emotional well-being of your learners can be challenging for everyone concerned. As an educator, you have support to help you with the emotions in your class. Recruit the help of the school nurse, counselor, and other staff. If they do not possess the skills to suggest what to do, they will know of resources that can assist.

Work with the school counselor to start appropriate behavior, and focus groups. The counselor must have the skills to deal with inappropriate behaviors and teach learners strategies to treat one other respectfully.

Focus on any rumors, conversations, or notes you encounter by making leadership aware of the context of the information. Alone, the info may not appear significant, but collectively, the content may be meaningful in a greater context.

Sound level in a class can change esca- late to bring the worst out in anyone. Distinguish between inside and outside voices. Set up rules such as no shouting across the room, talking in a friendly voice face-to-face, and answering in class with a clear, articulate voice. School is the learner’s professional work- place, and the noise level of twenty or more students in a room must be monitored for the respect of everyone in the room.

High noise levels can be reflected in the closing of doors and windows. Instruct them to be good stewards of school property. Have the students meet the custodial staff and establish a partnership to keep the school in great shape. Don’t assume learners know how to pick up after themselves or enter and respectfully leave a building.

Analyze your school handbook for learner grievances about grades. Set up the process with your class if a learner does not agree with the grade. If you are involved in a grade dispute, file your meetings, the date, and issues of concern.

If you have a learner on crutches, assign a different friend daily to help them with books and lunch trays. The friend will eat with the learner and be their assistant for the day. Expect crutches during the sports season.

If you believe illegal behavior on the part of a learner or staff member, report it to the administration immediately. Carrying this information to yourself may only exacerbate the possible problem. Behaviors are abuse, pornography, and drug use. If you believe in abuse or drug use, report your suspicions.

You may find out about a suicidal learner through one of their friends. Inspire the friend to go with you to the counselor or nurse and discuss the best way to handle the situation. The suicidal learner may not want to involve authority, but the symptoms cannot be ignored and must be addressed immediately.

Don’t drive learners anywhere alone. Have somebody else in the car with you at all times. Attempt to avoid driving learners unless you are the bus driver, have a bus driver’s license, school vehicle, or others with you.

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