How to Make Your Questions Essential

Making your questions essential will help you get the most out of your conversation. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

1. Make sure your questions are relevant to the conversation.
If you are talking to someone about their favorite movie, make sure your questions are about that movie. If you are talking to someone about their job, make sure your questions are about their job.

2. Make sure your questions are open-ended.
Rather than asking someone what they did last night, ask them about their day. Rather than asking someone what they are going to wear tomorrow, ask them what they have been wearing lately.

3. Make sure your questions are askable.
If you are not sure what to ask, try posing a question that you know the other person can answer. For example, rather than asking someone what their favorite animal is, ask them what their favorite food is.

4. Be prepared to give feedback.
If someone does not answer your question, be sure to offer feedback. For example, if someone says they do not know the answer to your question, say something like “I’m sorry you did not know the answer to that. Can you tell me more about it?”

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