How to Negotiate Salary: Tips You Need to Know

If you want to negotiate a salary, you need to know what to ask for and how to present your case. Here are 20 tips to help you negotiate salary effectively:

1. Know Your Worth

Before you even think about negotiating your salary, you need to know what you’re worth. Use online tools, such as, to get an accurate idea of your current salary and how it stacks up against other professionals in your field.

2. Make a List of Demands

Once you have a clever idea of your worth, it’s time to start making demands. Make a list of the salaries that you feel are fair and reasonable, based on your experience and qualifications. Be specific and list dollar amounts, rather than vague phrases like “more money.”

3. Be Prepared to Negotiate

When you make your list of demands, be prepared to negotiate. Know what you’re willing to give in return for a raise, and be prepared to walk away if your demands are not met.

4. Know Your Company’s Salary Policies

Some companies have mandatory salary increases, while others may give raises based on performance. Know your company’s policy before you make your demands.

5. Be Flexible

If your company offers a salary increase, but the amount is less than the amount on your list, be flexible. Ask for a percentage increase rather than a fixed dollar amount.

6. Know When to Negotiate and When to Walk Away

If your company is unwilling to meet your demands, it’s time to walk away. However, don’t be discouraged if your requests are not met. Keep in mind that some companies may be more willing to negotiate than others.

7. Avoid Common Salary Negotiation Mistakes

Don’t make these common salary negotiation mistakes:

1. Making unrealistic demands.

2. Being too pushy or aggressive.

3. Overpromising and underperforming.

4. Failing to set boundaries.

5. Showing anger or frustration.

8. Be Persistent

Don’t give up after the first rejection; keep bargaining until you reach a mutually agreeable salary.

9. Take Time for Feedback

Once you’ve negotiated a salary, take the time to give your employer feedback. This will help you maintain a good relationship with your employer and increase your chances of getting future raises or promotions.

10. Let Your Manager Know What You’re Looking For

Tell your manager what you’re looking for in a salary and ask for his or her opinion. This will help you ensure that your demands are realistic and in line with company policy.

11. Be Prepared to Negotiate Outside the Office

If you’re not happy with the salary you’re earning, don’t hesitate to negotiate outside of the office. Use online resources, such as, to research salary levels in your area.

12. Stay Professional

During the negotiation process, keep your composure and stay professional. Behave in a manner that shows that you’re serious about receiving a raise.

13. Don’t Go Into a Negotiation With Prejudice

Before you start negotiating, make sure that you have a good working relationship with your employer. Don’t go into a negotiation with prejudice; instead, be open to discussing your salary and expectations.

14. Keep a cheerful outlook

During the negotiation process, keep a positive attitude. This will help you stay focused and avoid negative emotions that could cloud your judgment.

15. Be Flexible with Time

Most companies are flexible with time off and job changes. Ask your employer if there are any flexibility policies that you should be aware of.

16. Be Patient

Don’t expect a salary increase overnight. Be patient and let your employer know that you’re willing to wait for a raise.

17. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for a transfer

If you’re unhappy with your current position and salary, ask your manager for a transfer. This will allow you to search for a job that better meets your salary and career goals.

18. Be Aware of the Law

Some state laws prohibit employers from discriminating based on salary. Be aware of the law in your state and be prepared to discuss your salary with your employer.

19. Stay Organized

Keep all documentation related to your salary negotiations in one place. This will help you track your progress, make revisions to your demands as needed, and avoid any potential misunderstandings.

20. Get Feedback from a Professional

If you’re unable to reach a settlement with your employer, it’s worth considering seeking help from a professional. A salary consultant can help you negotiate a fair salary that’s in line with your expectations and qualifications.

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