How to Renew or Reinstate a Teachers License in Alabama

Renewal of Teaching Certification

To renew a Professional Educator License that lapses June 30th, all conditions must be finished by September 1st of the same school year. Your application should be obtained by the Teacher Education and Certification Office of the ALSDE no later than December 31st of the same school year.


Renewal will be granted with confirmation of one of the following options:

  1. 3 years of full-time academic experience and 50 hours of appropriate PD.
  2. 3 years of full-time academic experience and 3 credit hours of appropriate credit.
  3. 50 hours of appropriate PD and 3 credit hours of appropriate credit.
  4. 6 credit hours of appropriate credit.
  5. Licensure from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) obtained during the valid period of the Professional Educator License that you possess.

Contact the ALSDE at (334) 353-8567 to learn more about your options and download the licensure renewal application from the Alabama Department of Education website.

Teaching Certification Reinstatement

To reinstate a lapsed Professional Educator License within a reasonable period beginning July 1st, you will need to obtain it by meeting conditions before September 1st. And your application has to be obtained by the Teacher Education and Certification Office of the ALSDE no later than December 31st of the school year.


A Professional Educator Certification can be reinstated with confirmation of one of the following options:

  1. 9 credit hours of appropriate credits obtained within the last 5 years.
  2. 6 credit hours of appropriate credits and 50 hours of appropriate PD obtained with the last 5 years.

Contact the ALSDE at (334) 353-8567 to learn more about your options and request application materials.

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