How to Renew or Reinstate a Teachers License in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Teacher Certification Renewal

Find out how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a lapsed Professional Educator Certification in Wisconsin.

Renewal of Teaching Certification

After 5 years, an initial educator’s license lapses, and a teacher have to go through the renewal process. The Initial Educator’s License is non-renewable, except for educators who have not attained 3 years of teaching experience in the 5 years.

If a candidate has not finished 3 years of teaching experience before their license lapses, they can apply for another 5-year initial license.

Teachers who have finished 3 years of teaching are eligible to advance to a Professional Educator License. A Professional Educator License requires candidates to complete 3 to 5 years of teaching and submit a PD Plan (PDP).

A PDP ensures that teachers improve throughout their educational careers and shows evidence of professional growth in teaching.

With a finished PDP and 3 years of experience, initial educator license possesses are prepared to apply for 5-year Professional Educator Licensure. Information about renewing a Professional Educator License can be found here.

The 3rd stage of licensure after Professional Educator Licensure is the Master Educator License. A Master Educator License is a 10-year licensure available to possessors of a Professional Educator License.

There are 2 routes to earning a Master Educator License:

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