How to Request a College Application Fee Waiver

Many colleges and universities are willing to dismiss their application fees for students who can demonstrate financial hardship. This article will outline the different methods available for requesting and filing a college application fee waiver as well as help define “financial hardship.”

College applications are expensive, and many students are unable to afford the application fee. Waivers are available in many colleges and universities and can often be requested in advance.

Here are four steps to take when requesting one:

1. Start by consulting your admissions office or financial aid office. They will likely have a list of colleges that have a fee waiver for applications.

2. Once you know which colleges have a fee waiver, find the application fee waiver request form on the college’s website.

3. Complete the form and attach all the required documents, including your transcript, SAT or ACT scores, and letters of recommendation.

4. Mail the form and documents to the college.

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