How To Spot A Potentially Amazing Education Leader Within Your School District

As education leaders, we realize that we are only as good as the leadership team that we have around us. But how do you spot potential education leaders within your organization? We have a few thoughts on the matter. Let’s look at the characteristics of employees who would make great education leaders.

People trust them. As an education leader, you want to create a culture of trust, so you want the members of your leadership team to be trustworthy. Look for people who have the trust of not only people below them in the leadership hierarchy but also those above them. For instance, an effective teacher that avoids gossip, keeps their word, and respects the rules of confidentiality.

They are emotionally intelligent. You need someone who is even-keeled emotionally and can manage their emotions during a crisis or stressful situations. They are in tune with their own feelings and those of others, which leads to healthy working relationships. The ability to be emotionally intelligent and agile is a prerequisite for school leadership positions.

They have a unique skill set. You are looking for individuals who have amazing skills that either you are the rest of your leadership team lack. For instance, if your school is located in a city like Philadelphia, New York, or Los Angeles, having someone on your team that speaks multiple languages would be an asset.

They mentor colleagues. If you see employees mentoring other colleagues simply because they want to see them succeed, that is the sign of a potential leader. Since one of the primary jobs of a leader is to mentor subordinates when they become a part of your leadership team their ability to inspire and empower others will have a positive impact.

They make their boss look good. Potential leaders seek to protect the company’s reputation and work in it’s best interest. Their productivity and informal leadership make their boss look good. If they believe that their boss is about to make a huge mistake, they speak up and offer a better way.

They provide informal leadership during difficult times. You are looking for people who can be positive influences during times of crisis and difficulty. Instead of complaining, they use their expertise and influence to help their bosses right the ship.

They are proactive. The informal leaders that you want to elevate to your leadership team are proactive. When they see a potential problem, they create solutions. They don’t need to be told to do this, it just comes naturally.

What did we miss? What are some additional ways to spot potential education leaders within your school district?

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