How to Summarize an Article in 5 Easy Steps

Summarizing an article effectively and concisely can save you time and help you absorb the most important information from a piece of writing. Here are five easy steps to help you summarize an article like a pro:

1. Read the entire article: Begin by thoroughly reading the whole article. This will help you understand the central theme, ideas, and arguments being presented. Familiarize yourself with unfamiliar terms and make mental or physical notes of crucial points.

2. Identify the main points: Once you’ve read the article, revisit it and highlight or underline the key points. Focus on main ideas, arguments, and findings that contribute directly to the central theme of the article. Additionally, pay attention to any repeated themes as they often signify essential elements.

3. Write concise topic sentences: For each key point identified in step two, craft a concise sentence clearly outlining these points. Aim for clarity and brevity, without losing the meaning of the key idea. These topic sentences will serve as the basis for your summary.

4. Arrange your summary in a logical order: Using your topic sentences, arrange your summary in a logical order that mirrors how ideas are presented in the original article. This allows readers to follow your summary easily while mimicking the structure of the original piece.

5. Edit and review: Finally, revise your draft summary by removing any redundant or less significant information to ensure that only crucial points are included. Edit for clarity, grammar, and coherence to create a polished summary that does justice to the original article.

By following these five steps, you’ll be able to efficiently summarize any article and convey its key points with ease. Happy summarizing!

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