How to Teach Handwriting—and Why It Matters

There are many benefits to teaching handwriting, including teaching students how to write effectively, improving communication, and giving children a love of writing. There are a few key things you can do to help your students write effectively:

1. Start with the basics

Teaching children how to write correctly is the first step in learning to write well. Start with simple letters, such as contractions and words that start with a vowel, and gradually increase the difficulty of the tasks.

2. Use various methods

Teaching students how to write with a pen and paper is an effective way to help them develop confidence and skills. However, many people find hand-held devices, such as an iPad, more comfortable to use.

3. Use positive reinforcement

Many students learn best when they are praised for their work. Do your best to provide positive reinforcement for good writing such as rewarding students for correctness, using frequent feedback, and awarding prizes for best writing. This can help students keep track of their progress and motivation to improve.

4. Help students understand the process

Many students find it helpful to understand the process of writing before they start. Explain the different steps involved in writing and help your students understand why they are doing the tasks.

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