How to Use the 5Es in Remote Math Instruction

Remote instruction presents a unique set of challenges for math teachers, who must find ways to engage students and promote meaningful learning in a virtual environment. The 5Es instructional model is a useful framework that can help teachers create effectively and engaging remote math instruction.

Engage: The first stage of the 5Es model is to engage students and create interest in the topic. Remote math instruction can use interactive tools and real-world problems to capture students’ attention and spark their curiosity. You can also create opportunities for students to share ideas and ask questions.

Explore: The second stage of the 5Es allows students to explore the topic through hands-on activities and investigations. Remote math instruction can involve virtual manipulatives, interactive simulations, and other digital tools to allow students to explore mathematical concepts and develop their understanding.

Explain: The third stage is to provide explanations and clarify key concepts. Remote math instruction can involve videos, animations, and other multimedia resources to help students understand complex mathematical concepts. You can also use interactive whiteboards, screen sharing, and other technologies to demonstrate mathematical procedures and explain key concepts.

Elaborate: The fourth stage elaborates on the topic and connects it to students’ prior knowledge and experiences. For example, remote math instruction can involve having students work on projects that apply mathematical concepts to real-world problems or engage in discussions to connect the mathematical concepts to their experiences.

Evaluate: The final stage is evaluating students’ understanding and learning. Remote math instruction can involve formative assessments such as quizzes or interactive activities to check students’ understanding and identify areas needing additional support.

In conclusion, the 5Es instructional model can be useful for remote math instruction. By engaging students, providing opportunities for exploration, explaining key concepts, elaborating on the topic, and evaluating student understanding, teachers can create effective and engaging remote math instruction that supports student learning and success.

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