Humanistic Psychology’s Approach to Wellbeing: 3 Theories

Humanistic psychology is a school of psychology that emphasizes the importance of subjective experience and self-awareness. It is based on the idea that people can create their happiness and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving it.

Humanistic psychologists believe that humans can achieve a state of well-being, defined as a sense of satisfaction with one’s life and satisfying relationships. They believe this can be achieved through self-care and self-awareness and that humans ultimately control their happiness.

One of the key concepts in humanistic psychology is self-compassion. This refers to the understanding and acceptance of our weaknesses and vulnerabilities and the desire to help ourselves in the same way that we would want to be helped if we were in that position.

Another key principle in humanistic psychology is self-reliance. This refers to the belief that humans can handle their affairs and do not need to rely on others to achieve their goals.

Humanistic psychology is a relatively new school of psychology, and there is still much to learn about it. However, its approach to well-being is unique and could be extremely useful for anyone looking to improve their quality of life.

There are three main theories of the Humanistic Psychology approach: the humanistic approach, the self-actualization approach, and the interpersonal approach.

The humanistic approach focuses on helping people to develop a good self-image and to find meaning in their lives. It believes people can improve their lives by understanding their feelings and motivations and working to improve their relationships.

The self-actualization approach focuses on helping people to develop their full potential. It believes that people can achieve their goals by focusing on their needs and desires and taking active steps to achieve them.

The interpersonal approach focuses on helping people to better understand and interact with others. It believes that people can improve their relationships by taking responsibility for their actions, being understanding and forgiving, and responding positively to others.

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