Humility in Leadership: The Unsung Skill of Great Leaders

Humility is a skill that many leaders – both successful and unsuccessful – need to develop if they hope to lead successfully.

Humility is the ability to know that one’s experience, abilities, and mistakes are all part of the package when it comes to leading. It’s also the ability to be willing to admit that one may not know everything and to take ownership of one’s role in the organization.

When leaders are humble, they spark positive change in their organizations. They are also able to inspire their teams and followers to be their best selves.

If you’re looking to develop a more humble leader, here are a few tips:

1. Be patient. If you’re impatient, you’ll likely never develop a good sense of humility. Instead, you’ll only build up walls that will make it more difficult for yourself and your team to communicate effectively.

2. Be aware of your own emotions. When you’re feeling down about yourself, it’s difficult to be open and receptive to others. Instead, try to focus on your thoughts and feelings.

3. Be open to feedback. When receiving feedback, be willing to take it at face value. Don’t try to understand why the person didn’t like what you did, or why they thought you were a bad leader. Instead, be honest and open about what you’re seeing and feeling.

4. Be willing to apologize. When you’re feeling down about yourself, it’s often difficult to admit that you made a mistake.

5. Be willing to change. If you’re not willing to change, you’ll likely never be successful as a leader. Instead, try to develop a way to be more humble and open to feedback. This will help you to be a better leader, and it will also help your team to be more productive.

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