I Tried to Be Just Like My Teaching Mentor…and I Failed

When I first entered the world of teaching, I was incredibly excited to make an impact on the lives of my students. I had spent years aspiring to become a teacher, inspired by my own mentor – Ms. Parkins. She was the epitome of what a perfect teacher looked like: passionate, understanding, and exceptional.

I set out on my journey with high aspirations, determined to mirror every aspect of her teaching style. Little did I know this path would inevitably lead to a series of failures and self-discoveries that would shape me into the teacher I am today.

Ms. Parkins had always been an attentive listener, so I made it my priority to actively listen to each and every one of my students’ concerns and ideas. As an empathetic individual, she connected with her students on a deep level and could decipher their emotions effortlessly, so I too tried to grasp their feelings in order to offer meaningful support.

In trying to adopt her stringent discipline methods, my initial days as a teacher turned into a constant struggle where authoritative words clashed with doubts and frustrations bubbling within me. Despite attempting to mimic Ms. Parkins’ unwavering optimism in even the most difficult situations, the roaring storm of self-doubt took control over me.

Gradually, it dawned upon me that merely emulating her techniques wouldn’t suffice; instead, I needed to forge my own distinctive teaching style that corresponded with my core beliefs, values, and strengths.

As different as we were from each other, failure became my guide – forcing me to dig deeper into understanding my abilities and limitations as a teacher. It coaxed me into rekindling the connection with my inner self and using my unique qualities as assets rather than hindrances.

Acknowledging my failures enabled me to admit that matching Ms. Parkins’ teaching prowess didn’t necessarily mean becoming the best version of myself as an educator. It took courage to forge my own identity while embracing my imperfections and aligning my methods with it.

Although it took me failing to realize the importance of self-awareness and authenticity, those very same failures taught me as much as my mentor herself. In truth, it was the combination of both failure and her guidance that allowed me to evolve into the teacher I am today.

Ironically, my failure in trying to be a carbon copy of Ms. Parkins transformed into a successful pursuit of becoming an unmatched educator with my own distinct teaching philosophy.

And so I owe my growth not just to the teaching prodigy Ms. Parkins but also to embracing my imperfections and acknowledging that even in failure, there’s always something valuable to be learned.

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