IEP and special education terms

If you are reading this, it is likely that you are interested in special education. You may be wondering what it is, what it covers, and what services are available. If you are new to the topic, you may be wondering what is included in an IEP.

An IEP is a written agreement between a student with a disability and their school district. It sets forth the student’s individualized education program (IEP). The IEP should include goals, objectives, and accommodations that will help the student meet those goals and objectives.

Some key terms that you may see in an IEP include:

-Disability: A person with a disability is any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

-Accommodation: An accommodation is any modification or adjustment to the school environment or to the student’s program that helps the student to overcome a disability.

-Goal: A goal is a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound objective that the student and their team set for themselves.

An IEP should be developed collaboratively between the student, their parents or guardians, the school district, and other professionals who may be involved in the student’s education, such as a physical therapist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist.

If you are interested in special education, you may want to explore some of the resources available online. There are many websites that provide information on special education, including websites designed specifically for parents of children with disabilities. These websites can be a great place to start your research if you are unsure about what services your child may be eligible for. In addition, many school districts have websites that provide information on IEPs and the services that are available through the district.

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