Kentucky schools awarded broadband access award

One of the most important resources in P-12 schools today is internet connectivity, particularly broadband access. Recently, LaRue  County Schools and The Carol Martin Gatton Academy of Mathematics & Science in Kentucky were recognized for being successful examples of improving broadband internet access, adoption and use. The honor came during ConnectKentucky’s Tech Day where both entities were awarded the Secondary Educational Institution Technology Award.

Since 2010, LaRue County High School has provided every student with a laptop and in 2014, new laptops were purchased for the high school and the older ones were passed down to middle school students.  In addition, traditional and mobile computer labs and other devices are bringing technology into LaRue County’s elementary classes more than ever.

“LaRue County students are provided a luxury that most districts don’t have – access to high quality educational resources and lines of communication with their teachers all school day long, and in many cases outside of the school day as well,” said LaRue County School Chief Information Officer Freddie Newby in a press release on the award

Tech Day in Kentucky is put on through a partnership with Western Kentucky University’s Office of Research. It emphasizes the benefits of broadband technology in government, schools, non-profits, libraries, businesses, communities and homes.

I believe that technology in P-12 classrooms can be a great equalizer, but only if everyone has adequate access. The program like the one in the LaRue County schools accomplishes two things: in-class access to broadband internet, and individual devices for every student so no one has an advantage over another. I hope this program will serve as a model to other schools of how to best equip all students with the technology needed for academic equality and success.

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