Key Comprehension Strategies to Teach

There are a variety of strategies that can be used to help students improve their key comprehension skills. Some common strategies include:

1. Scaffolding: This is a technique where the teacher provides support as the student reads. This support can take the form of prompting the student to ask questions as they read, providing definitions as the student reads, or correcting the student as they read.

2. Checking comprehension: After a student has read a piece of text, the teacher can ask them questions to help assess their understanding. This can be done after the student has finished reading, during reading, or immediately after the text has been read.

3. Using context clues: When a student is reading, the teacher can look for information that is specific to the context in which the text is being read. This could include identifying characters, places, or events mentioned in the text.

4. Using graphic organizers: When students are reading, they may be able to better understand text if it is organized in a specific way. This can be done by using a graphic organizer, such as a Venn diagram, or by having the student write out their thoughts as they read.

5. Using flashcards: Flashcards can be a great way to help students remember what they have read. They can be used to quiz the student on information learned or to help the student review key points from a text.

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