Learn the Seven Types of English Nouns

Nouns are among the most significant categories of words in English. Nouns are a word that denotes entities like individuals, things, ideas, etc. English has seven different noun categories.

Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns describe concepts, thoughts, and emotions. Abstract nouns play a crucial role in life because they are nouns you cannot touch and are not comprised of physical objects. Here are some prevalent abstract noun examples:

  • Success
  • Depression
  • Love hate anger
  • Power importance tolerance

Tom has had a great year of success.

Many individuals would instead let love motivate them than hatred.

Jack doesn’t like it when people squander his time.

The quest for power has destroyed many fine individuals.

Collective Nouns

Collective nouns refer to groups of all kinds. Animal groupings are the most frequent subjects for collective nouns. Although collective nouns may be used in single and plural forms, the singular form is more often utilized. These popular collective nouns for groups of animals include:

  • Herd slitter pack swarm shive
  • The cattle herd moved to a fresh pasture to graze.
  • Be cautious! Bees are living in a hive nearby.

The names of organizations like political, economic, and academic institutions, as well as divisions within such entities, often employ collective nouns.

  • Department firm party
  • Tomorrow morning at ten thirty, the staff will gather.
  • Last quarter, the sales department achieved its objectives.

Common Nouns

Common nouns never relate to individual instances, only to broad categories. To put it another way, the term “university” may be used with a generic meaning when discussing education.

Tom should attend a university to study science.

University is a popular term in this context. However, when the word “university” is part of a name, it becomes a proper noun (see below).

To attend the University of Oregon, Meredith made the decision.

Keep in mind that proper nouns are always capitalized when they are used as part of a name. The following common nouns and name components are often used in both sentences:

  • University college school institute department state
  • Several states are experiencing financial difficulties.
  • I believe you should enroll in college.

Concrete Nouns

Things that you can touch, taste, feel, and see are referred to as concrete nouns. They are engaged with real things regularly. Countable and uncountable concrete nouns are both possible. Typical concrete nouns include the following:

Countable Object Nouns

  • Orange desk book car house
  • Numerous concrete nouns
  • Rice water pasta whiskey
  • On the table, there are three oranges.
  • I want some liquids. I’m hydrated!
  • My acquaintance just purchased a new vehicle.
  • Rice is acceptable for supper.

Abstract nouns, which do not relate to objects we touch but instead to thoughts, ideas, and emotions, are the antithesis of concrete nouns.


A pronoun indicates a person or object. Depending on how the pronouns are used, there are many pronoun forms. The subject pronouns are as follows:


He is a New York resident.

He enjoys pizza.

Pronouns come in various forms, including possessive, demonstrative, subject, and object pronouns.

Proper Nouns

The names of individuals, objects, organizations, and countries are considered proper nouns. Proper nouns are capitalized at all times. Common proper noun examples include the following:

  • Canada
  • College of California
  • Tom Alice is a resident of Kansas.
  • Next year, I’d want to go to Canada.

Uncountable Nouns/Mass Nouns/Non-Count Nouns

Mass nouns or non-count nouns are other names for uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns cannot be numbered; they may be both concrete and abstract and are always used in the singular form. Following are a few prevalent uncountable nouns:

  • Rice love time weather furniture
  • This week’s weather is wonderful.
  • For our house, we must get some new furnishings.

According to usage, uncountable nouns typically cannot have a definite or indefinite article.

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