Making Learning Targets Clear to Students

Making learning targets clear to students is an important part of ensuring that they can achieve their goals. When targets are specific, students know exactly what they need to do to achieve them. This helps to ensure that they are focused and motivated to continue learning.

It is also important to make sure that targets are achievable. If a student is expecting to learn 10 new vocabulary words in one month, it is important to make sure that this is realistically possible. If targets are too difficult, students may become discouraged and may not be as likely to succeed.

When making learning targets, it is also important to be flexible. If a student is struggling with a particular concept, it is ok to change the target. For example, if a student is having difficulty understanding a difficult math problem, it is okay to change the target to solve a simpler problem. This will help the student to understand the concept and can then move on to the more difficult problem.

Overall, making learning targets clear to students is an important part of ensuring that they can achieve their goals. By being specific and achievable, students are likely to be focused and motivated to continue learning. By being flexible, the targets can be adjusted as needed.

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