Mastering Classroom Transitions

In the classroom, transitioning students between activities can save valuable instruction time.

However, many students find the process difficult or time-consuming. Here are five tips to help students smoothly move between activities and avoid frustration.

1. Establish a predictable pattern for each student.

One way to keep students on track is to establish a regular pattern for each student. This can include turning in their work early, stopping for recess, and returning to class. This establishes a routine and helps to avoid confusion and frustration.

2. Have a designated worker.

If a student is requested to leave the room, having a specific worker in charge can help prevent any confusion. This person can also provide instructions or provide support while the student is in class.

3. Use clear instructions.

If students do not completely understand instructions, it can be difficult to follow. Clear instructions can help to keep students on track and avoid any misunderstandings.

4. Have a break for students.

When students are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, a break can be a great way to calm down and resume the activity at a later time. This can help to avoid any frustration or fatigue.

5. Create a support system.

Having a support system in place can be a great way to keep students on track and avoid any frustration. This could include friends or family members, teachers, or classmates.

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