MCAT Preparation Timeline

Preparing for the MCAT exam should be a priority if you will be applying for medical school. With that being said, many students do not know how to go about studying. Unlike regular school-based tests, the main topics included in the MCAT exam can change every year.

This article will discuss an MCAT preparation timeline that you can use to prepare yourself for your MCAT exam properly. 

This includes going through various practice tests beforehand, using the guideline book, and practicing for a certain amount of time every day. 

Complete Plenty Of Practice Tests

When preparing for an MCAT exam, previous tests and papers will be your best friend. You can study the work as much as you want – however, if you do not know what to expect in terms of how they ask questions or layout their exams, you are setting yourself up for failure. 

For this reason, you must work through at least two past papers before writing your exam. It would be best if you also kept in mind that the more past papers you complete, the better your chances of receiving the result you want. 

Use The AAMC Guidelines Book

All students who will be writing the MCAT exam have access to an AAMC guidelines book. You must receive and review this book before beginning to study for your test. 

If you do not go through the guidelines before your exam, you may waste your time studying topics that are not included in the paper. More so, this guideline will tell you exactly which topics are most important, helping you prioritize your study time.

Make Sure You Practice At Least 1 Hour Per Day

If you hope to achieve a great result on your MCAT (which you should be), it is vital that you practice as often as possible. 

That being said, you will likely not have hours every day to dedicate to studying for this test. 

For this reason, we recommend preparing well in advance for this exam by beginning to study at least one month beforehand. More so, you should put in at least one hour each day.

Concluding Thoughts

To properly prepare yourself for your MCAT exam, you should complete plenty of practice tests beforehand. More so, all students have access to the AAMC guidelines book – you should review this book before beginning your studies. 

Lastly, make sure that you start studying well in advance and practice for at least one hour a day.

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