More Favourite Assemblies for Key Stage 2


Key Stage 2 is a critical phase in a child’s educational journey. Teachers and educators, around the world, focus on providing students with engaging and interactive learning experiences. One way they do this is through assemblies. Assemblies are significant opportunities for students to learn vital life skills, such as teamwork, communication, social interaction and problem-solving. In this article, we will explore some of the favourite assemblies suitable for Key Stage 2 students.

1. World Around Us

A popular assembly theme is to take an in-depth look at the world around us. In this assembly, students can explore different countries and cultures from all corners of the earth. This assembly can delve into topics like geography, history, climate, food, languages and much more. It encourages students to appreciate diversity and learn about the importance of cultural understanding.

2. Famous Inventors and Inventions

Students are always fascinated by new inventions and breakthroughs that have changed the world. An assembly revealing famous inventors and their innovations can be inspiring and thought-provoking. This topic allows students to learn about inventors like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Tim Berners-Lee or Ada Lovelace – who all made significant contributions to various fields such as electricity, communication or computing.

3. Environment and Sustainability

As climate change continues to impact our world, it is essential for children to understand the importance of protecting our environment for future generations. An environment-centric assembly focuses on current issues such as pollution, deforestation, recycling and renewable energy sources. Students can engage with practical ideas on reducing waste or planting trees on school premises.

4. Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is an essential part of building resilience in young children. In this assembly theme, students learn about the power of perseverance and how they can overcome challenges by embracing their failures rather than fearing them. Teachers can share stories of famous historical figures who faced adversity but managed to achieve their goals through sheer determination and grit.

5. Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness and empathy are significant traits for children to develop. An assembly about random acts of kindness encourages students to give back to their community and help others in need. Teachers can introduce this topic by sharing inspiring stories of people helping others in simple ways. After the assembly, students can come up with their own ideas and implement them within the school or their local community.


Assemblies are a fantastic way for Key Stage 2 students to engage with subjects outside the typical classroom environment. By incorporating these popular themes into your assemblies, you will offer children an enriching and thought-provoking experience, promoting essential life skills and values that will serve them well in later life.

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