Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids … Getting-to-Know-You Game

“Never Have I Ever” is a popular game that can be a fun way for kids to get to know each other. Playing this game involves players taking turns reading a statement starting with “Never have I ever…,” and if the others have done the mentioned activity, they indicate so, often by putting down a finger or taking a step forward. For kids, the game can be tailored to include age-appropriate and light-hearted topics.

Here are some “Never Have I Ever” questions suitable for kids:

1. Never have I ever built the tallest LEGO tower.

2. Never have I ever worn mismatched socks to school.

3. Never have I ever tried to catch snowflakes on my tongue.

4. Never have I ever made a weird sandwich combination.

5. Never have I ever stayed up all night at a sleepover.

6. Never have I ever won a game of hide and seek.

7. Never have I ever jumped into a pile of leaves.

8. Never have I ever forgotten my lines in a school play.

9. Never have I ever tried to keep a diary or journal.

10. Never have I ever had a pet that wasn’t a cat or dog.

The questions should be tailored to involve experiences common among children, stimulating sharing of personal stories and bonding through collective experiences. For educators and parents, it’s an excellent way to engage children in social interaction without putting too much pressure on any individual child while they learn about their peers’ interests and experiences in an entertaining format.

Remember, the intention of these questions is not to embarrass but rather to spark conversation and laughter among children. With thoughtful preparation, this simple game can lead to hours of fun and friendship building for kids of all ages.

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