Our Favorite Videos for Teaching Shakespeare

In this article, we will explore some of the best videos available for teaching Shakespeare in a captivating and engaging way. Shakespeare’s plays can sometimes seem daunting for students, but with the help of these videos, they can come to appreciate and enjoy the brilliance of his works.

1. “Shakespeare Uncovered” (2012)

This PBS series delves into the world of Shakespeare’s plays, presenting them in an accessible and entertaining manner. Each episode features a different play and is hosted by a renowned actor, providing insights into the plot, characters, and themes. It is a valuable resource for both teachers and students, offering new perspectives on familiar works.

2. “The Animated Tales” (1992-1994)

This animated series brings Shakespeare’s plays to life in a visually stunning and captivating way. Each episode is a faithful adaptation of one of his works, with the dialogue adapted directly from the original text. The vibrant animation and skilled voice acting make these videos a great tool for introducing students to the beauty and complexity of Shakespeare’s language.

3. “Shakespeare: The Animated Tales” (1992)

Similar to the previously mentioned series, this collection of animated videos brings Shakespeare’s stories to life through beautiful animation and engaging storytelling. Each episode covers one play, condensing it into a 30-minute adaptation. The visuals and narration help students understand the plot and characters, making it easier for them to engage with the original text.

4. Royal Shakespeare Company Live Broadcasts

The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) regularly broadcasts their live performances to cinemas worldwide. These broadcasts provide an immersive experience, allowing students to watch professional actors perform Shakespeare’s plays in the original language. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to witness the power and emotion of live theater, even if they cannot attend a physical performance.

5. The Folger Shakespeare Library

The Folger Shakespeare Library offers a variety of educational resources, including video recordings of its theater productions. These recordings capture the essence of these performances, showcasing the talent and creativity of the actors and directors. Additionally, the library provides insightful interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, giving students a deeper understanding of the plays and their production.

These videos can serve as valuable teaching tools, helping students unlock the beauty and meaning of Shakespeare’s works. By incorporating multimedia resources into the classroom, educators can make the study of Shakespeare more accessible and enjoyable for students.

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