Permissive Parenting – Why Indulgent Parenting Is Bad For Your Child

There’s no doubt that indulgent parenting can be good for a child in the short term. They may feel loved and appreciated and may even feel like they can ask for things they wouldn’t normally ask for. However, indulgent parenting can have long-term negative consequences for children. Here’s why:

First and foremost, indulgent parenting breeds entitlement in children. When a child feels like they are entitled to things, it can lead to a range of problems in their life. For example, they may become spoiled and unwilling to work for what they want, or they may become delinquent and unruly when they don’t get their way.

Additionally, indulgent parenting can lead to unhealthy relationships between children and their parents. When a child feels like they can always count on their parents to meet their needs, they may develop a dependency on them.

This can make it difficult for them to form healthy relationships with other people in the future and can even lead to codependency.

Finally, indulgent parenting can have negative impacts on a child’s academic performance. When a child feels entitled to good grades, they may be less likely to try hard in class. Additionally, when a child is constantly getting their needs met without having to work for them, they may become less motivated to learn.

So, while indulgent parenting can be good for a child in the short term, it’s ultimately bad for them in the long run. If you want to raise a child who is capable of thriving in the world, it’s important to instill in them a sense of responsibility, rather than giving them everything they want without asking for anything in return.

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