A personal pronoun is a pronoun that indicates a particular person, group, or thing. Like all pronouns, personal pronouns can assume the place of nouns.
Personal Pronouns in English
These are the personal pronouns in English:
- First-person singular: I (subject); me (object)
- First-person plural: we (subject); us (object)
- Second-person singular and plural: you (subject and object)
- Third-person singular: he, she, it (subject); him, her, it (object)
- Third-person plural: they (subject); them (object)
Personal pronouns inflect for the situation to show whether they act as the subject of clauses or as objects of verbs/prepositions.
Personal pronouns, except “you,” have different forms of singular or plural. The third-person singular pronouns have distinctive forms suggesting gender: masculine (he, him), feminine (she, her), and neuter (it). Personal pronouns (such as they) that can indicate both masculine and feminine entities are called generic pronouns.