Personality: Everything You Need to Know

People’s particular ways of thinking, feeling, and acting are their personalities. It results from natural propensities, inclinations, contextual influences, and experiences. Although personality may vary throughout a lifetime, one’s fundamental personality qualities usually stay fairly constant throughout maturity. Since the ancient Greeks & Hippocrates established four fundamental temperaments, humans have attempted to discover a method to categorize personalities, even though numerous traits may be combined almost unlimitedly. Today, psychologists often categorize personality into five fundamental qualities. Openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, & neuroticism is the so-called “Big Five.” Honesty-humility is the sixth essential quality in a more recent model called HEXACO.

What’s My Personality Type?

Many people believe in personality “types.” For instance, a “Type A” personality is often seen to be more strict, structured, competitive, and worried. However, the theory is not well supported by actual data. According to personality psychologists, such typologies are often too basic to adequately capture individual differences. They often depend on frameworks like the Big Five model of trait dimensions as an alternative. A person may rank relatively high or low on a trait like extraversion or agreeableness, or more specific features of each, compared to the rest of the population, according to the Big Five model, which places each individual somewhere on a continuum for each trait (such as assertiveness or compassion). One’s personality is defined by the intersection of these many attribute levels.

Why Personality Matters?

With its many methods for categorizing, quantifying, and comprehending individual variations, personality psychology may aid individuals in better understanding and expressing who they are and how they vary from others. However, a person’s personality traits affect more than how they see themselves.

Additionally, personality affects one’s mental health: Professionals employ a list of personality disorders featuring persistently dysfunctional tendencies to identify and treat patients. The often-mentioned narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder are among the classifications used by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists; nevertheless, a significant diagnostic manual, the DSM, lists 10 personality disorders.

Where Does Personality Come From?

Some of the most important concerns in personality psychology are why people acquire the personalities they do and how much personalities normally vary over time. Some answers are provided by science, but there are still many areas for discussion and investigation.

Although other factors undoubtedly contribute, genetics contributes to characteristic personality variances. Many theories of personality have been put up to explain what personality is and how people grow to be who they are. Some of these ideas emphasize possible non-genetic influences, such as a person’s decision to assume new social roles (like spouse or parent).

Neurofeedback: Everything You Need to Know

A therapy method known as neurofeedback, called EEG (electroencephalogram) biofeedback, gives clients instant feedback via computer-based software that measures their brainwave activity. The application then reorganizes or retrains these brain impulses using auditory or visual cues. By reacting to this procedure, clients learn to control and enhance their brain function and lessen the symptoms of different neurological and mental health issues.

When It’s Used

Neurofeedback may benefit children, adolescents, and adults with seizure disorders, behavioral issues, acquired brain injuries, birth trauma, stress-related issues, insomnia, disrupted sleep patterns, or age-related cognitive loss. Neurofeedback may be used in conjunction with other types of treatment as an adjunctive intervention.

What to Expect

For an average of 20 weeks, once-weekly sessions make up neurofeedback therapy. While some individuals need fewer sessions, others need more. The therapist will put sensors on your scalp while you are seated. A computer EEG software will process your brain signals, revealing details on different brainwave frequencies. You will see the images or listen to the music while using software akin to a video game, and your brain and central nervous system will get feedback signals from the application. The software will subsequently guide your brainwave activity toward more pleasing and predictable patterns. When your brainwave patterns improve, the application will provide quick feedback. 

How It Works

Neurofeedback is not seen as a cure but rather as a way to control or regulate how the brain operates to achieve healthy brain function. This is accomplished through a series of practice practices using a computerized neurofeedback program that instructs your central nervous system to rearrange and control brainwave frequencies. Different neurofeedback tools and techniques are employed for various neurological issues.

What to See for a Neurofeedback Therapist

Licensed mental health practitioners trained in neurofeedback tools and software may provide neurofeedback services in their own offices and clinics. Find a therapist who has not only the necessary training and experience but also one with whom you feel at ease discussing personal matters, who demonstrates an understanding of your unique situation, and who can plainly and intelligibly explain the neurofeedback procedure and its potential advantages, and its limitations.

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