Persuasive Writing: Everything You Need to Know

Persuasive writing is a sub-category of formal writing that dwells on students’ perspectives on particular matters. Writers use it to take a stance on an opinion or issue, convincing the readers to agree with the specific opinion or idea. Persuasive writing provides logical arguments together with an emotional appeal to sway readers to a specific point of view. These writing pieces appear in different forms of marketing. Advertisements, brochures, editorials, and reviews are some common examples of writing pieces that use persuasive writing. It helps improve writers’ overall ability, teaching them how to utilize research and facts in an expressive yet concise way.

A writer may utilize the following techniques to improve persuasive writing skills.

Picking the right topic: Writers will do their best persuading when it’s something they truly believe in. If writers have the option to choose a topic, they should choose one that appeals to their own sensibilities.

Knowing the audience: If writers want to convince the readers to believe and agree with them, they should know who they’re talking to. For instance, if one is writing a persuasive letter regarding why standardized testing should be eliminated from school systems, the audience will likely be parents.

Capturing the reader’s attention: Persuasive writers should present their opinion using a declarative statement that clearly states their point of view. Starting with research findings, facts, or any other evidence that explicitly mentions information supportive of the writing will immediately clue the readers in regarding what the writing will be about, what the writer’s position is, and if they’re interested enough to continue reading to see if they’ll be on the writer’s side.

Researching both sides: To convince the readers to agree with them, writers need to know what they’re trying to get the readers to disagree with. The audience might be fully stuck in their ways, so understanding both sides of the argument and how to efficiently counter the opposition will assuage follow-up questions readers might have that can cast doubt on the writer’s position.

Being empathetic: The use of empathy is a useful persuasion technique. Readers are more inclined to believe the writer if they feel like the writer can understand and relate to their experiences. Emotional appeal is crucial for persuasive writing because it targets the audience’s sensibilities while giving a logical explanation for which their beliefs should change.

Emphasizing the writer’s point: The use of exaggeration to express exclusivity, urgency, or to make a point is another effective persuasion technique. Writers can use hyperbolic statements to convey an impactful image.

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