Preoccupied Attachment Style: 9 Signs

There is no doubt that attachment can be quite complicated and perplexing. If you are preoccupied with attachment, it can be hard to identify the root of the problem and find a way to heal it. However, if you are struggling with preoccupied attachment, there are several signs and symptoms for which you should watch.

Here are nine signs that you may have preoccupied attachment:

1. You are constantly worried about your partner’s whereabouts or well-being.

2. You become easily upset or distressed when your partner is away from you.

3. You find it difficult to let go of your partner, even when they are not behaving or responding in a way that you deem acceptable.

4. You are constantly seeking reassurance from your partner, even when there is no need for it.

5. You find it difficult to enjoy your own life outside of your relationship with your partner.

6. You find it difficult to establish or maintain healthy relationships with other people.

7. You are constantly ruminating about your relationship with your partner.

8. You find it difficult to let go of your anger and resentment towards your partner.

9. You find it difficult to trust anyone, including other people in your relationship.

If you are struggling with preoccupied attachment, it is important to seek out professional help. There are many therapies that can help you to heal the underlying issues that contribute to your preoccupied attachment.

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