Preschool Teacher Interview Questions (and Example Answers)

Interviewing for a preschool teacher position is a great opportunity to demonstrate your ability to work with young children. The interviewer will likely ask questions to assess your skills and aptitude for teaching preschoolers. To help you prepare for your interview, here is a list of 34 preschool teacher interview questions and example answers.

1. What experience do you have working with young children?
I have worked as a teacher’s assistant in a preschool for the past two years. During this time, I have gained experience in teaching preschool lessons, managing student behavior, and developing age-appropriate activities.

2. What techniques do you use to keep children engaged during lessons?
I use a variety of techniques to keep students engaged during lessons, such as storytelling, role-playing, and hands-on activities. I also try to make learning fun by incorporating games, music, and other creative elements.

3. How do you handle challenging behavior from students?
I believe that the best way to handle challenging behavior is to address it in a positive and constructive way. I start by speaking to the student in a calm and reassuring manner and try to identify the root cause of the behavior. From there, I work to create an individualized plan for the student that addresses their needs.

4. What methods do you use to ensure student safety?
I make sure to adhere to all school safety protocols, such as conducting regular fire drills and following proper procedures for playground activities. I also make sure to always supervise students and to create an environment where all students can feel safe and secure.

5. What do you think makes a successful preschool classroom?
I believe that a successful preschool classroom is one that is filled with creativity, warmth, and learning. A successful preschool classroom is one that encourages exploration, encourages students to take risks, and provides a safe environment where students can reach their full potential.

6. How do you support children’s social and emotional development?
I believe that fostering a sense of belonging and self-confidence is essential for children’s social and emotional development. I do this by providing positive reinforcement for good behavior, offering support to children who are struggling, and helping to create a strong bond between students and teachers.

7. How do you ensure that all students in the classroom are included?
I strive to create an inclusive classroom environment where all students feel respected and valued. I do this by creating a classroom culture that celebrates diversity and by being mindful of the different needs and abilities of all students.

8. How would you handle a parent/guardian who is challenging your teaching methods?
I would start by listening to the parent/guardian’s concerns and addressing any valid points they may have. I would also explain my teaching methods and the reasons behind them. Lastly, I would strive to come to a mutually agreed-upon solution that benefits the child.

9. What would your students say about you as a teacher?
My students would say that I am patient, caring, and supportive. They would also say that I am creative and fun, and that I make learning exciting.

10. How do you assess a student’s progress?
I assess students’ progress by observing their behavior in the classroom and by assessing their work. I also use informal assessments, such as conversations, to gauge a student’s understanding and progress.

11. How do you ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all students?
I create a differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of all students. I also make sure to incorporate activities that are tailored to the individual needs and abilities of all students.

12. How do you handle conflicts between students?
I believe that it is important to address conflicts between students in a positive and constructive manner. I start by speaking to the students in a calm and understanding manner and then work to come up with a solution that is beneficial to both parties.

13. Describe a lesson plan that you created.
I recently created a lesson plan on the topic of the five senses. The lesson began with a discussion on each of the five senses. I then incorporated a variety of hands-on activities to help students explore each sense. Finally, I ended the lesson by having students create a craft that incorporated all five senses.

14. What is your approach to teaching problem-solving skills?
I believe that problem-solving skills are essential for young children. I use a variety of techniques to teach these skills, such as role-playing, puzzles, and games. I also provide students with the opportunity to practice problem-solving in a safe environment.

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