One of the finest ways to spend time with your kids is to play board games. Why? Kids may develop their brains in various ways by playing board games. The finest games help youngsters develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities while also strengthening family bonds and providing an opportunity for caring adults to foster good sportsmanship.

We’ve compiled a selection of kid-friendly problem-solving games that foster the following vital abilities:

  • Planning – what steps do you need to make to reach your goal?
  • Decision-making – evaluating the benefits of multiple choices
  • Drawing conclusions and inference – how will your opponent respond to your choice?
  • Reevaluation – how you respond when the result is unexpected

All of these talents are developed via engaging games. What may be superior? Here are our top ten games for families and children to solve puzzles!


Each time you play Battle Sheep, a new playing area is created. This is because to create the playing field; each player alternately places down four pasture boards that they each start with. Already, young children are using previous planning and reevaluation! Each player tries to fill as many pastures as possible with the initial 16 sheep. Players must choose between placing sheep or strategically obstructing their opponents. This game appeals to us because it tests players’ strategic, analytical, and visual perception skills. 7 and older. 1 to 4 players.


Every time you play, the board changes, keeping players on their toes and forcing them to revise their plans continually. The routes that players use to transport their tokens are made of tiles. The goal is to design pathways that keep you going while driving your opponents off the board. To achieve both objectives, players must anticipate one other’s actions and use problem-solving skills. Also shockingly simple to learn is tsuro! Ages 8 and up. 2-8 players.


Players search for riches by navigating a constantly changing labyrinth. The player who gathers all of their treasure first wins. Each player starts with a certain amount of treasure cards. In their turn, players move the movable panels on the board to advance their progress or obstruct that of other players. Ages 7 and up. 2-4 players


In the tile-placing game Kingdomino, players must decide how to construct their kingdom. The game’s goal is to match terrain-based tile combinations to earn as many points as possible. However, certain terrains do better than others. The choice of building more low-scoring terrains or fewer high-scoring terrains is up to the players. It’s crucial to think carefully while selecting your tiles since they also influence the sequence of play in the next round. We’ve had a great time playing this game. There is an expansion pack accessible. Ages 8 and up. 2-4 players


Blue Orange Games’ Photosynthesis has an environmental theme. The game’s primary theme is the growth of trees from seed to maturity. Players decide where to “place” their seeds so that they will get the maximum light and won’t later be obstructed by other mature trees. Planning and analysis are required for effective game play. Beautiful artwork enhances the original gameplay. This game has been entertaining for us! Ages 8 and up. 2-4 players.


Azulejos, a style of painted ceramic tile brought to Spain by the Moors and made well-known in Portugal by King Manuel I, served as the inspiration for Azul’s wonderfully bright game design. Players assume the role of tile laying artists and must plan their strategy throughout the game’s three phases: picking tiles, laying them out, and getting ready for the next round. The goal is to create lines of five consecutive tiles that total the most points. There can only be one of each kind of tile in each line. The game is over when a player completes a row, although that person is not always the victor. Players must utilize strategic problem-solving and preparation because they risk losing points for unused tiles that remain after the wall-tiling phase. Ages 8 and up. 2-4 players.


Gobblet resembles Tic Tac Toe, except players’ pieces in this game come in three sizes and nest within one another like Russian dolls. By “gobbling up” smaller pieces, players try to obtain four in a row. The ability to plan, anticipate your opponent’s movements, and have good memory are all required for this game since you can’t glance to see which Gobblets have been gobbled! Ages 7 and up. 2 players. 


The best amusement for problem-solving is logic games! We like solitaire logic games and probably have an excessive amount of these brain-teasers on our systems. The following are some of our top favorites:

  • Cat Crimes, ages 8 and up (pictured above) – see it as our game of the month feature
  • Code Master, ages 8 and up – see it as our game of the month feature
  • Castle Logix, ages 3 and up – see it as our game of the month feature


A traditional game that every household should own is mancala. The board contains end “home” bowls in addition to two rows of depressions. The objective is to move the greatest number of stones into your house from the rows. You can only deposit and capture stones according to a set of regulations. To grab stones and ensure you don’t leave them exposed to your opponent’s hungry paws, you must utilize strategy. Mancala is a game that enhances memory and observational abilities. To ensure you don’t unintentionally provide your opponent the chance to frustrate you, you must use your strategic thinking abilities. Ages 8 and up. 2 players.


There’s a good reason why Clue, the original detective board game, is still so well-liked. When I was a child, I adored it, and I bet you did as well. Players compete to be the first to identify the murderer’s who, what, and where. To eliminate options in Clue, you need logic and logical thinking abilities. Players must keep a close eye on what other players are doing to make informed judgments. 8 and older, 2-6 players (much better with 3 or more players).

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