Provision and support for gifted and talented children in primary schools


Gifted and talented children possess exceptional cognitive, creative, or artistic abilities that make them stand out from their peers. As these children have unique needs, it is crucial for primary schools to provide specialized support and resources to challenge their intellectual or artistic curiosity, helping them to thrive in academic and social settings. This article aims to discuss the essential aspects of provision and support for gifted and talented children in primary schools.

Identification of Gifted and Talented Students

The first step towards supporting gifted children is proper identification. Educators should be trained to recognize and evaluate various indicators of talent among young children, such as exceptional problem-solving skills, advanced language proficiency, rapid learning pace, or unique artistic expression. Early identification allows the school to design tailored instruction and services that meet the academic and emotional needs of gifted learners.

Academic Support

Gifted students often require an individualized approach that challenges their abilities while maintaining interest in learning. Primary schools should offer specialized classes or programs aimed at nurturing intellectual curiosity among these students.

1. Acceleration: This involves allowing students to advance through content at a faster pace than their peers. Acceleration options like grade-skipping or subject acceleration can cater to gifted learners’ need for greater challenges in their areas of interest.

2. Enrichment: Enrichment includes providing students with additional projects beyond the regular curriculum, such as participating in competitions or clubs that promote creativity, critical thinking, and participation in real-world experiences.

3. Differentiated Instruction: Teachers should adapt their teaching styles, assignments, and assessments to accommodate diverse learners’ capabilities. This ensures that gifted students are given challenging work without negatively impacting the rest of the class.

Emotional Support

Alongside academic support comes emotional support for gifted students who may be more sensitive or struggle with perfectionism or anxiety due to their heightened cognitive abilities.

1. Peer Interaction: Schools should encourage friendships and collaboration among students who share similar interests and intellectual abilities. This may involve group activities, mentorship programs, or clubs designed specifically for gifted learners.

2. Counseling: School counselors should be well-versed in the challenges faced by gifted students and provide guidance, empathy, and resources to help them navigate issues such as underachievement, social isolation, or stress management.

3. Parental Involvement: Parents and guardians play a crucial role in supporting their gifted child’s emotional needs. Schools must maintain open communication with them and offer resources or information to ensure that academic success coexists with social and emotional well-being.

Professional Development for Educators

Teachers working with gifted learners ought to receive ongoing professional development to familiarize themselves with best practices tailored to this specific group of students. Training should cover topics like identifying characteristics of gifted children, implementing differentiation in the classroom, teaching strategies for high-ability students, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills, and understanding the social-emotional needs of these learners.


For primary schools to effectively address the unique needs of gifted and talented children, a multi-faceted approach that includes early identification, academic support through acceleration or enrichment opportunities, differentiated instruction methods, emotional support including counseling services, parental involvement, and professional development for educators is essential. Investing time and effort into cultivating such an environment will ultimately benefit not only gifted students but also the educational community as a whole.

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