Quiet: Susan Cain on Approaching Introverted Students

In her book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” author Susan Cain discusses the importance of approaching introverted students and how to make them feel comfortable in the classroom. Cain argues that introverted students have a lot to offer and that they are just as capable as their more outspoken counterparts.

Introverts tend to be more creative than their extroverted counterparts, and they often possess a greater capacity for concentration. Cain stresses the importance of allowing introverted students to be themselves in the classroom, as this will allow them to be more productive and effective learners. It is also important to note that introverted students often have a deeper understanding of the material than their more outspoken classmates.

It is important to remember that not all introverted students are the same and that what works for one student may not be the best approach for another. However, by understanding the importance of approaching introverted students and how to make them feel comfortable in the classroom, we can ensure that they have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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