Rachel Jackson Facts for Kids

Rachel Jackson was the wife of American President Andrew Jackson. Born on June 15, 1767, in Virginia, Rachel came from a wealthy family and was well-educated. Here are some interesting facts about Rachel Jackson for kids.

1. Early life: Rachel grew up in Virginia and married her first husband, Lewis Robards, at the age of 17.

2. Troubled Marriage: Rachel’s marriage to Lewis was troubled, and she left him in 1790. However, since divorce was a rare and scandalous act at the time, their separation was complicated.

3. Andrew Jackson: Rachel met Andrew Jackson in the 1790s and fell in love with him. However, since she was still technically married to Lewis, they couldn’t marry until Rachel’s divorce was finalized.

4. Controversy: Rachel’s first marriage and complicated divorce caused a lot of controversy during Andrew Jackson’s presidential campaign. Some opponents criticized her character and accused her of being an adulteress. This caused Rachel a lot of stress, and she suffered a heart attack and died a few weeks after Jackson’s inauguration.

5. Marriage to Andrew Jackson: Rachel and Andrew Jackson were finally able to marry in 1794, and they were devoted to each other. They had no children of their own but adopted several nieces and nephews.

6. White House Hostess: Rachel Jackson was a gracious hostess when Andrew Jackson became president, and she oversaw many of the social events at the White House.

7. Style Icon: Rachel Jackson was known for her impeccable taste in fashion, and she loved to wear fashionable clothes and accessories.

8. Famous Quotes: Rachel Jackson is remembered for her quotes, such as “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness” and “May God Almighty forgive her murderers; I never can.”

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