Reading Intervention: Strategies to Help Students Catch Up

Learning to read is different for every kid. Some kids enjoy reading, so they do it often and learn quickly. However, other students struggle with reading or have no interest in it. It is a good idea to seek out these students that need help right away because reading is an essential skill that all students should have proper lessons and support with.

How to Tell if a Kid is Struggling with Reading

Even if a child is struggling with reading, they may not want to bring attention to it. You may need to keep a close eye on students to see how well they are reading and if they need any additional help to catch up with other students. Sometimes, signs of difficulty reading will be shown early on, such as if a child isn’t speaking at the same level as other kids their age or if they are having difficulty recognizing symbols, such as letters or numbers.

If a student is struggling with reading, they will likely try to avoid it as much as possible, and when they do have to read, it will take them much longer to sound out words than the other students. They may only be able to pronounce words that they have previously memorized, which would cause them to struggle more with words they’ve never seen before. They will likely also have trouble if they are asked to spell out words. If you notice any of these signs, you may want to give a child some extra help with reading.

How to Help Students Catch Up

If you notice that a student is struggling with reading, it is best to address the problem as soon as possible. This means that you may need to take a more personalized approach to teach those students to read. A good way to go about it is to find out that student’s strengths and try to use those toward learning to read. For example, if the child can pick up on the pronunciation of certain letters easily, but they struggle with other ones, then use those strengths to relate to the letters they struggle with. Take what they know and apply it to the areas of reading that they still need to work on. Then, as they improve and get it right, reward them and celebrate their success. With positive feedback, children are more likely to feel motivated to read, even if it is difficult for them.

For parents, it is important for them to help their kids with reading right away. To help children improve their reading skills and get ahead, they should be read to and spoken to often. Reading should eventually be a norm for them, so the more reading, spelling, and words that they are exposed to, the easier it will be for them to feel comfortable with the concept of reading.


Reading won’t come easily to every single kid, but the more they get to read, the easier it will be for them to learn and improve. Remember to be patient with them and reach out to them if they don’t seem to be learning as quickly as those around them. Even if it’s a little gesture, the more help a student can get, the better. Reading is an essential part of life that no student should be left out on.

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