Reading Tips for Parents of Kindergartners

Parenting a kindergartner is a lot like parenting a toddler in many ways, but there are a few specific things you need to be aware of in order to help your child develop a love of reading.

1. Encourage a love of books at an early age.

Kids love to be read to, and a love of books is a key ingredient in a child’s love of reading. Start reading to your kindergartner as soon as he or she can understand what you’re saying. Reading together can also help your child develop a sense of understanding and security.

2. Set reading goals for your kindergartner.

Set reading goals for your kindergartner and monitor his or her progress. This will help your child feel good about reading and build a reading habit.

3. Have books available for your kindergartner to read.

Kids love to read, and having books available will help your kindergartner develop a love of reading. Make sure to have a variety of books available, including picture books, chapter books, and young adult books.

4. Encourage your kindergartner to read independently.

Reading independently is a key ingredient in a child’s love of reading. If your kindergartner can read independently, he or she will be more likely to enjoy reading on his or her own.

5. Help your kindergartner develop a love of reading by modeling the habit.

Reading is a habit, and if you want your kindergartner to develop a love of reading, you need to model the habit yourself. When you’re reading, take time to sound out the words and enjoy the story.

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