Relational Aggression and Relational Bullying

Relational aggression is aggression that is directed towards someone because of their relationship with that person. This can be done through verbal threats, insults, and put-downs. It can also include withholding love and support and intentionally sabotaging or harming the relationship.

Relational bullying is a type of aggression that is directed towards someone because of their relationship with that person. It can take many forms but often includes making fun of, taunting, or shaming someone. It can also include spreading rumors, excluding or isolating someone, and making threats or physical attacks.

Both relational aggression and relational bullying are harmful and can have lasting effects. They can cause feelings of anxiety, sadness, and loneliness. They can also lead to depression, anxiety, and physical health problems.

If you are experiencing relational aggression or relational bullying, it is important to seek help. There are many resources available to help you get through this difficult situation. You can talk to a friend, family member, or therapist. You can also call a hotline or visit a website like the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

If you are experiencing violence in your relationship, please reach out for help. There are many resources available to you, and you deserve to have a safe and healthy place to call home.

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