Research Questions About Budgeting

Research Questions About Budgeting

  1. Has Sweden’s Government Budget Policy Been Too Discretionary?
  2. Does Capital Account Liberalization Discipline Budget Deficit?
  3. Are Audit Committee Characteristics Important to the Internal Audit Budget in Malaysian Firms?
  4. Does Capitated Managed Care Affect Budget Predictability?
  5. Is There a Link Between Budget Deficit and Interest Rates?
  6. Does Fiscal Illusion Impact Budget Policy?
  7. Can Budget Institutions Counteract Political Indiscipline?
  8. Does Government Ideology Influence Budget Composition?
  9. Are Biopharmaceutical Budget Caps Good Public Policy?
  10. Does Local Governments’ Budget Deficit Push up Housing Prices in China?
  11. Can Expenditure Cuts Eliminate a Budget Deficit?
  12. Does Tax Competition Soften Regional Budget Constraint?
  13. Are Budget Deficits Inflationary?
  14. Does the Structural Budget Balance Guide Fiscal Policy Pro-cyclically?
  15. Can Fiscal Budget-Neutral Reforms Stimulate Growth?
  16. Does the Wage Tax System Cause Budget Deficits?
  17. Are Budget Deficits Too Large?
  18. Can Governments Mandate Hard Budget Constraints?
  19. Have Large Budget Deficits Caused Increasing Trade Deficits?
  20. Are Budget Deficits Used Strategically?
  21. Has Federal Budget Deficit Policy Changed in Recent Years?
  22. Can Increasing Taxes Reduce the Budget Deficit?
  23. Are Hard Budget Constraints for Sub-National Governments Always Efficient?
  24. Can Tax Revenue Rise and the Budget Deficit Decline?
  25. Are School Budget Cuts Affecting Student’s Chances?
  26. Can the Intertemporal Budget Constraint Explain the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle?
  27. Are the Poor Protected From Budget Cuts?
  28. Can the Stability and Growth Pact in EMU Cause Budget Deficit Cycles?
  29. Does Better Governance and Commitment to Development Attract General Budget Support?
  30. Has the Annual Budget Outlived Its Usefulness?
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