Research Topics About Confucius

Research Topics About Confucius

  1. The Father of Confucianism’s Life and Times
  2. Comparison of Confucius’ and Socrates’ Philosophies
  3. Comparison of Confucius’ Analects and the Hebrew Bible
  4. Comparison of the Religious Differences and Similarities of Confucius and Socrates
  5. Comparison of Mencius and Confucius’s Teachings
  6. Confucius, Buddhism, and Taoism Support Affirmative Action
  7. Analyzing Confucius’ Analects: Philosophy of Propriety, Religion, and Politics
  8. Analysis of Confucius Philosophy’s Remains in the Chinese People
  9. Can Confucius Still Have an Impact on Our Lives Today?
  10. Compare and Contrast The Book of the Dead and The Writings of Confucius Hammurabi
  11. Jesus and Confucius Comparison
  12. Differences Between Cicero’s and Confucius’ Views
  13. Does the Confucius Institute Influence International Travel to China?
  14. According to Confucius, How Is Justice Manifested in Society?
  15. What distinguishes Mencius’ theory from that of Confucius?

Fascinating Topics To Write About Confucius

  1. Confucius’ Biography, a Respected Philosopher in Chinese History
  2. Analyze the Impact of Confucius and Chuang Tzu on Ancient China
  3. Unlike Machiavelli: The Analysis of Confucius as a Humanist
  4. Analysis of the Contrasting Perspectives of Confucius and Hammurabi on Government and Authority
  5. Confucius’ and Gautama Siddhartha’s Lives
  6. Aristotle and Confucius Held an Ethical Stance on
  7. China’s Confucius Beliefs and Description
  8. Ch’enTu-hsiu: Confucius’ Way and Modern Life
  9. East Asian Countries’ Cultures and Confucius
  10. T.R. Reid’s Book Confucius Lives Next Door: What Living in the East Teaches Us About Living in the West
  11. Confucius Was Merely a Keeper and Transmitter of Tradition, Whereas Muhammad Was an Innovator. Discuss the Truth or Falsity of This Statement
  12. The Ethics of Confucius and Aristotle
  13. Confucius’ Real-World Wisdom
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