Resilience Theory in Psychology (Definition & Characteristics)

Resilience theory is a recent and growing school of thought in psychology that suggests that people are more than their challenges and experiences. Rather, they are able to adapt and bounce back after experiencing setbacks. This theory is based on the idea that people have strengths and weaknesses, but they can learn to use their strengths to overcome their weaknesses.

Resilience theory has been found to be helpful in predicting people’s success in various situations. For instance, resilient individuals are more likely to remain employed even after experiencing layoffs or periods of low income. They are also more likely to maintain healthy relationships even when faced with difficult challenges.

Resilience theory has been credited with playing a role in the rise of “positive psychology.” Positive psychologists are interested in studying the benefits of resilience, and they seek to help people learn to use their strengths to overcome challenges.

There are several characteristics common to people who are resilient. They are goal-oriented and have a positive outlook. They are able to cope well with stress and setbacks. They are able to bounce back after experiencing difficult experiences.

There is still much research to be done in order to fully understand the effects of resilience on individuals and society. However, the theory has already had a significant impact on the way people think about and deal with challenges.

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