Restorative Education: The Case for Stopping the Madness in Education

The dire state of education in our country needs to be changed. We cannot keep on going the wrong path and then expect things to just change suddenly. It is therefore imperative, at this point in time, that we find a new way of doing things in our schools – a method that will not only end the disheartening decline which has now overshadowed our education sector but also yield desired results. This is where restorative education comes in.

Restorative education refers to a type of education in which the old, unprogressive methods are discarded in favor of healthy and restorative practices to foster a better relationship and understanding among people. Restorative education is essential because it addresses the issues currently besetting the education sector.

The malaise of education

The problems that education has found itself enmeshed in did not just happen overnight. They are the consequences of poorly managed historical issues which have been in existence for quite a while. These issues have been persistent and have remained up until today. If we are seriously thinking of advancing education, then we must look to restorative education as a remedy for the chaos in that sector.

Roles of restorative education

Restorative education, as earlier said, will greatly help to mitigate the crisis in our schools. Here are some important roles that restorative education should play.

Enhancement of the quality of the teacher-student relationship

Restorative education should be able to help to engender a high-quality relationship between students and teachers. Several studies have shown that a solid relationship between students and their teachers helps to boost academic performance. Sadly enough, the relationship between students and teachers is not so great in schools. Students tend to see their teachers as strict, boring people who derive pleasure in making life unbearable for them. The teachers themselves see the students as unserious. Restorative education must address issues such as punitive measures in schools. For example, in a school where corporal punishment is being doled out, the students can be made to reflect on their misdeeds and they can become remorseful.

 Addressing inequality in schools

Restorative education is aimed at amending the dysfunctional aspect of the education system. The social problem of racial and gender inequality is well documented. While this issue is a well-known one, it has often proved difficult to find an effective method of eradicating it. Bullying cases which are not unconnected with racial and gender differences are now taking place at an alarming rate. It is expected that restorative education should be able to reduce the prevalence of this issue in our schools by making the students involved realize the implications of their actions and then improving the relationships among people of different races and genders.


It is high time to put a stop to the dwindling standards and shameful situation of education in America. I am in no doubt that, going forward, the solution to this mess is to embrace restorative education.

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