Roald Dahl Day 2017: A Celebration of a Storytelling Genius

Every year on September 13, bookworms and children around the world gather to celebrate Roald Dahl Day, an event that marks the birthday of one of the most beloved children’s authors of all time. Roald Dahl has touched the hearts of millions with his whimsical worlds, memorable characters, and stories that blend the fantastical with the macabre, teaching important life lessons all along.

In 2017, Roald Dahl Day was given a special hue, focusing on glorifying the extraordinary tales that have captured our imaginations for decades. Events across the globe included Dahlian dress-ups where children donned the garb of their favorite characters from books like “Matilda,” “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” and “The BFG.” Roald Dahl’s gripping narratives provided ample inspiration for such festivities.

Educational activities were also crafted to align with Dahl’s creative legacy. Teach Starter, an educational resource company, shared engaging lesson plans and activity widgets that made it easy for teachers to incorporate Dahl’s themes into their curriculum. These resources included exploring character development in Dahl’s stories, examining his creative use of language, and activities related to plot summarization—all designed to ignite a love for reading and creative writing in students.

Storytelling sessions were particularly magical during Roald Dahl Day celebrations. Fans had opportunities to attend readings from favorite books by local celebrities and authors. These events served as vivid reminders of how Dahl’s storytelling connects readers through shared experiences of wonder and delight.

Moreover, Roald Dahl Day 2017 wasn’t just limited to fanfare within libraries and schools; social media played a part too. Hashtags like #RoaldDahlDay trended as fans posted their tributes and themed artwork online. This digital angle reinforced how his work transcends generations and continues to thrive in contemporary culture.

Roald Dahl’s literature arguably bears timeless relevance but celebrating these stories on his birthday every year underscores their impact on children’s literature. It’s a day to reflect on how words can inspire wonderment, confront injustice, and spark the imaginations of both young and old. It’s a fitting homage to a man who never lost touch with his inner child—inviting everyone into his meticulously crafted worlds where every sentence promised another adventure.

From classroom activities to dress-up parades, Roald Dahl Day 2017 showed how stories not only entertain but also teach us valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and justice. As we delight in the mischief of “The Twits” or empathize with “Matilda,” we continue to reinforce Roald Dahl’s influence on our lives—a writer who perfectly understood that life could be both wonderfully sweet and intriguingly strange.


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