Schizophrenia: Everything You Should Know

Schizophrenia is a mental condition that alters how the brain functions. This causes persistent issues with disordered thoughts, actions, and symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and a lack of emotional expressiveness.

The prevalence of schizophrenia ranges from 0.3% to 0.7%. It affects persons of all racial and cultural origins and affects males somewhat more often than women. Although the exact reasons are unclear, risk factors include hereditary and environmental variables.

To control symptoms and lead entire, active lives, patients with this condition often need lifelong care and therapy. Medications, psychotherapy, and social support are often used in treatment. Coping strategies may also be beneficial, including participating in social skills training and joining a peer support group.

  • Symptoms & Diagnosis
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Living With
  • Causes


  • Why does schizophrenia occur?

Although the exact origins of schizophrenia are not fully known, a wide range of complex variables probably has an impact. Genetic, environmental, social, and psychological variables are a few possible causes.

Study More: Causes and Risk Factors for Schizophrenia

  • Is schizophrenia inherited?

According to research, genetics may be a significant factor in the development of schizophrenia. Your chance of acquiring schizophrenia is significantly increased if a family member already has the illness. However, even while the disease may sometimes run in families, this does not guarantee that you will also experience the problem.

  • Does schizophrenia have a treatment option?

There is no known cure for schizophrenia, but there are ways to help patients manage the symptoms and function better. Depending on the requirements of each person, treatments might range from medicine to psychotherapy to family-based programs. Depending on their condition’s severity, various degrees of care and assistance may be needed by individuals.

  • At what age does schizophrenia usually start to manifest?

Early signs of schizophrenia are thought to manifest between the late teens and the early twenties; however, they may manifest sooner or later. Additionally, women often experience symptoms at a later age than do males. The severity of the symptoms increases gradually when they first manifest.


Mental Illness

Various mental health problems that affect thought, emotion, behavior, or mood are referred to as mental illnesses. They may cause significant discomfort and make it challenging to handle day-to-day responsibilities, including job, school, family, and social activities. Each year, 20% of individuals in the U.S. are affected by mental illness.


Psychosis is a mental illness that alters how the brain interprets information and makes sufferers disengage from reality—having erroneous beliefs about what is occurring (delusions) or sensing and hearing things that are not actually there (hallucinations) are frequent signs of psychosis.


Antipsychotics are drugs mainly used to manage psychosis. Although they do not treat the illness, they may aid in managing schizophrenia’s symptoms. Newer drugs are referred to as “atypical” or “second generation,” while older antipsychotics are referred to as “typical” or “first generation.” Additionally, there is a supposedly “third generation” that consists of aripiprazole (Abilify) or brexipiprazole (Rexulti).

Psychosocial Intervention

Activities that concentrate on the cognitive, behavioral, social, and biological variables that affect a person’s wellbeing are included in psychosocial treatments. Cognitive therapy, psychoeducation, family intervention, proactive community treatment, and social skill development are typical psychosocial therapies for schizophrenia.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Using electrical stimulation to cause seizures is a component of the psychiatric procedure known as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Although it is sometimes used to treat schizophrenia that has not responded to antipsychotic treatment, it is most usually used to treat treatment-resistant depression.


Low mood and lack of interest in activities are two characteristics of depression, a mood illness. Schizoaffective disorder may be identified in a person who exhibits mood disorder symptoms, such as depression, and schizophrenia.


Bipolar disorder’s manic phase is marked by extended periods of high mood, impatience, energy, and racing thoughts. Schizoaffective disorder may be present when a person exhibits signs of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

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