School-based Identification of Characteristics of Dyslexia: Parent Overview

Dyslexia is a common learning difference among children, affecting their ability to read and write proficiently. It is estimated that 10 to 15% of the population may have dyslexia, and early identification is essential for them to receive the support and resources they need.

School-based identification of dyslexia is crucial in maintaining efficient learning and improving academic performance. As a parent, you may want to know more about the process of identifying dyslexia and how it affects your child’s learning.

Identification of dyslexia in schools

The process of identifying dyslexia in schools usually involves a combination of standardized assessments, observations, and evaluations of students’ reading ability. Dyslexia may be identified at any age, and some common signs that educators look out for include:

– Difficulty with phonemic awareness

– Difficulty with reading accuracy and fluency

– Slowed reading progress in comparison to peers

– Difficulty with spelling

– Difficulty with writing

– Difficulty with understanding and remembering what was read

The school may use tools such as the Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST), the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP), and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement to assess a child’s phonological processing and reading abilities.

Additionally, classroom teachers will often observe if students display symptoms of dyslexia during their lessons, such as consistently confusing similar-looking letters, reversing letters or numbers, and appearing to lack comprehension of the material.

Parental involvement in dyslexia identification

Parents play a crucial role in the early identification of dyslexia in their children. By observing their child’s reading progress and discussing any concerns with teachers or school administrators, parents can advocate for their child’s requirements and ensure they receive the necessary assistance.

In the event that a child is identified as having dyslexia, educators will iterate any additional support or services that need to be provided, such as specialized reading instruction, assistive technology, and accommodations for assessments.

While it can be distressing for parents to find out about their child’s learning differences, it is essential to remember that identifying and addressing dyslexia will lead to more effective support and ensure that their child’s educational journey is successful.


In conclusion, schools play a vital role in identifying dyslexia within students, and this helps to provide early identification and subsequent treatments that can significantly help the dyslexia-affected students. It is essential for parents to know the signs and symptoms of dyslexia and to communicate any concerns with their child’s teacher or educational providers since early identification and support can significantly enhance outcomes for those with dyslexia.

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