Sea Turtles Facts for Kids

Sea turtles are fascinating creatures that have lived in the oceans for over 110 million years. There are seven different species of sea turtles, and they can be found in every ocean in the world. In this article, we will discover some interesting facts about these magnificent creatures that your kids will love.

1. Sea Turtles can hold their breath for a long time:

Sea turtles are air breathers, but they can hold their breath for long periods. Some species have been known to stay underwater for up to two hours!

2. They are great swimmers:

Sea turtles are excellent swimmers and can swim at an average speed of 20 miles per hour. They use their flippers to move through the water and can go up to 1000 feet deep into the ocean.

3. They lay eggs on land:

Unlike fish, sea turtles lay their eggs on sandy beaches. Female turtles return to the same beach they were born to lay their eggs. They dig huge nests in the sand and lay around 100 eggs! The eggs incubate for 6-10 weeks before the hatchlings emerge and make their way to the ocean.

4. They have a unique way of finding home:

Sea turtles use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate to their feeding and nesting grounds. They possess a magnetic sensor known as “magnetite,” located in their skulls, that enables them to determine the direction and intensity of the earth’s magnetic field.

5. They eat jellyfish:

Sea turtles primarily eat jellyfish, but they also eat seaweed, crabs, and shrimp. A sea turtle can consume up to 1200 pounds of food in a year!

6. They come in different colors and sizes:

Sea turtles come in various colors and sizes, depending on the species. The leatherback turtle is the largest, growing up to seven feet long and weighing up to 2000 pounds. The Kemp’s Ridley is the smallest species and only grows up to two feet long.

7. Sea turtles are endangered:

Sadly, due to human activities such as overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruction, all seven species of sea turtles are endangered. It is essential to conserve their habitats and protect them from harm to prevent their extinction.

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