Secrets to Make Lesson Planning Easier

Check out our list of secrets to making lesson planning easier.

Utilize a three-ring binder, a file cabinet, or your computer to keep the materials used for each lesson together. This will keep you organized, and you can access info quickly when you want to work on it. Carry all materials labeled. It will be easier to find the following year when you redesign the unit and use the materials again.

Start organizing the lessons by developing piles of materials that will supplement the content. Carry the lesson-planning process ongoing so that you don’t find yourself without a plan for the next day.

For drills that need short answers, use individual whiteboards. The learners can quickly hold them up and see who understands and who doesn’t understand. Check if the school will purchase the large sheets, and then check if one of the custodians, buildings, or grounds keeper could cut these for your learners.

Utilize ways to tap learners’ prior knowledge of a subject prior to designing a unit. You can decide how you will deal with the diversity of thinking among your learners. Simply ask learners what they know about a subject and what they want to know about a subject.

Consider the time of day when you teach learners. The first period of the day, after lunch, and the last period of the day can offer challenging behavior such as feeling lethargic in the morning, sleepy or hyper after lunch, and energetic during the last period. Vary your teaching strategy to address learner needs based on the time of day.

Don’t assume that learners know how to use study skills. You will have to plan lessons that teach learners how to study. Give them the tips that they need to be successful learners. Instruct the skill, model, and practice until the learner makes this a part of an automatic routine.

Utilize questions in your lessons to help learners make inferences. Most standardized test questions are inferential, and most learners must practice using inferences to find answers.

Many quick and easy ideas for the class can be found perusing the books in the bookstore. Be available to browse the education section and skim any books that pertain to your subject or grade level.

Utilize nonfiction books to augment your curriculum. Go to the library to find titles that correspond with the curriculum. Utilize them for direct instruction, supplementary use, or display. Learners must understand that their textbook is not the only source of information.

Ask other educators who have taught the course to help you plan the class or provide directions. Educators are very willing to share their knowledge, materials, and expertise. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Consider how you want to begin the lesson. You should consider using an anecdote, a question, a dramatic moment, or a song that will grab learners’ attention and get their minds engaged in the learning that is taking place.

Utilizing fiction or non-fiction literature to supplement your textbook content will increase the meaningfulness of the subject matter and broaden learners’ knowledge of the subject. Remain sure to include outside sources to use when preparing your lesson plan.

Put vocabulary words and definitions on the board or on the wall for learners to review throughout the week. Utilize the words in conversation during the week. Don’t give more than five words each week. Review throughout the year after testing the students at the end of the week. Learners will have a greater chance of retaining the vocabulary words.

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