Sending Emails from the Command Line in Windows without Extra Software


The ability to send emails through the command line in Windows is an essential skill for IT professionals and anyone who wants to leverage automation within their work environment. This article will guide you on how to send emails from the command line in Windows without any additional software.
Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Open Command Prompt: Navigate to the search bar on your taskbar, type “cmd,” and click on “Command Prompt.” You can also press the “Windows key + R” followed by typing “cmd” and hitting “Enter.”

2. Access ‘telnet’: To successfully send emails through the command line, Windows users need access to ‘telnet.’ In default settings, ‘telnet’ might not be enabled, so follow these steps to enable it:

a. Click on the “Start” button.

b. Type ‘Control Panel’ into the search bar.

c. Click on ‘Programs,’ then select ‘Turn Windows features on or off.’

d. Scroll down until you see ‘Telnet Client,’ check the box beside it, then click ‘OK.’

3. Telnet Protocol: Once you have enabled telnet, you’ll need to use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send emails. To do this, go back to the Command Prompt window and enter the following command:

telnet <smtp_server> <port>

Replace <smtp_server> with your email provider’s SMTP server and <port> with their SMTP port number (for example: telnet 587).

4. Establish Connection: After running the above command, you should see a successful connection message from the mail server. If not, double-check your SMTP server and port.

5. Use HELO Command: Now type this command below to identify yourself to the mail server:

HELO <your_domain_or_ip>

Replace <your_domain_or_ip> with your domain or IP address (example: “HELO”).

6. Input the Sender’s email: Next, you’ll need to add the sender’s email address using this command:

MAIL FROM:<sender_email_address>

Replace <sender_email_address> with the sender’s email (example: “MAIL FROM:[email protected]”).

7. Enter recipient information: Now, type in the recipient’s email address with the following command:

RCPT TO:<recipient_email_address>

Replace <recipient_email_address> with the recipient’s email (example: “RCPT TO:[email protected]”).

8. Compose your message: To create your message, enter:


You will receive a prompt to start typing your message. First, type “Subject:” followed by your subject line. Then press ‘Enter’ twice to begin writing the body. When finished, end the message with a single period (.) on a new line and press



Subject: Test Email from Command Line


This is a test email sent from the command line.


John Doe

“9. Finalizing and sending the email: After pressing ‘Enter,’ you should see a message stating that your mail was successfully sent.
10. Use QUIT Command: Lastly, type “QUIT” to close your connection with the mail server.


Sending emails directly from the command line without any additional software is a unique skill that offers many benefits. It allows for increased automation within work environments and provides an alternative way to send emails when using other methods isn’t feasible.

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