Should I Put My SAT Score on My Resume? (With Examples)

When applying for jobs, colleges, or scholarships, you may be asked to include your SAT score on your resume. It can be difficult to decide whether to include this information, especially if you are unsure of how it will be received. This article will discuss the pros and cons of including SAT scores on your resume and provide some examples of when it might be beneficial or detrimental.

The Pros:
• Including your SAT scores can be beneficial when applying to competitive universities or for scholarships. It not only indicates that you are academically capable, but it can also give the admissions committee a better understanding of your abilities.
• Showing your SAT scores on your resume can also demonstrate that you have taken the initiative to prepare for and take the test. This can be especially helpful if you are applying for jobs or internships that require a certain level of academic achievement.

The Cons:
• If you are applying to jobs or universities that do not require SAT scores, including them may make you appear as though you are trying to “oversell” yourself.
• Additionally, if your SAT scores are lower than expected, including them on your resume could be detrimental to your chances of being accepted.

When to Include Your SAT Score:
• If you are applying to competitive universities or for scholarships, it is usually beneficial to include your SAT scores.
• If you have SAT score higher than the average for the school or program you are applying to, it may be beneficial to include it on your resume.
• If you have taken the SAT more than once, including the highest score may be beneficial in certain circumstances.

When Not to Include Your SAT Score:
• If you are applying to jobs or universities that do not require SAT scores, it is usually best not to include them.
• If your SAT score is lower than the average for the school or program you are applying to, it is usually best to leave it off of your resume.
• If you have taken the SAT more than once, the lower score may be detrimental to your chances of being accepted.

In conclusion, it can be difficult to decide whether or not to include your SAT scores on your resume. However, by taking into consideration the pros and cons of including SAT scores, as well as the specific circumstances of your own application, you can make an informed decision.

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