Simple Ideas for Harnessing Creativity in the Elementary Classroom

Creativity is used to create new ideas, improve on old ones, and come up with new ways of doing things.

Some ideas for creative activities in the elementary classroom include:

• creating a worksheet with student nominations

• making a poster or art project

• drawing with crayons or coloring books

• writing a story or poem

• making a collage or mosaic

• making a puppeteer or puppet show

• playing a game or using a technology such as a tablet or smart phone

It is important to provide children with various creative opportunities and give them opportunities to express their ideas. This can include activities that are fun, creative, and meaningful.

These are just a few ideas for harnessing creativity in the elementary school classroom. There are many other ways to use creativity in the classroom so find ways to use it to its best potential. By using creativity in the classroom, students can develop their own ideas and to become more creative overall.

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